You’ve been through hell and back trying to get over the trauma you experienced. It changed your life and stole your innocence. You’ve silenced yourself. You’ve tried to forget that it happened. Or you tell everyone that will listen that you are a victim of… You verbalize your victimization every chance you get as a cry for help. There’s a release in the telling. Even if it happened decades ago. We weren’t meant to keep silent about our pain. But it is our sole obligation to verbalize it correctly. You survived what you went through. Many would have lost their minds due to the inability to cope. You didn’t. It happened to you. But the trauma does not have the power to steal your life. You can and will heal. It starts with your words and what you proclaim. Here are 10 reasons why you have to graduate from the victim stage. There’s life in moving FORWARD. You are what you verbalize. And by all accounts, if you can read and understand this clearly, you are a SURVIVOR! Praise God!
1. It allows you to remain “stuck”. Mentally, physically and emotionally. Consistently claiming the “victim” title doesn’t allow you to see yourself as the SURVIVOR that you are.
2. There’s no healing in remaining a victim. You can’t change what happened to you BUT you can control how it effects your life moving forward.
3. Consistently identifying as a victim results in self-pity, depression and anxiety. On a deeper level, PTSD and somatic symptoms.
4. Remaining a victim evokes shame that isn’t yours to carry. You are not responsible for the trauma you endured.
5. It keeps you focused on the past. The act and the details surrounding the event.
6. It produces ruminating thoughts of should’ve, could’ve, would’ve.
7. It prolongs the “why me” phase of grieving.
8. It hinders the new you that the involuntary stretching produced.
9. It destroys your ability to receive and sustain relationships.
10. It hinders you from serving others with your testimony of SURVIVAL.
I’m rooting for you!
By His Strength,
Counselor Brandy