I get asked this question a lot. I wanted to share some insight on how my practice name came to be.
I was raised by my single mother. My mom was mentally, verbally, physically and spiritually abusive. My mom suffered from mental health issues that she still refuses to acknowledge today. Because of this, my childhood was chaotic. I spent most of it witnessing and experiencing the consequences of my mom’s behavior. My father didn’t raise me and my family treated me like I was everything but their own. So I often wondered who I belonged to. Whose daughter was I? Am I in the right family? That’s when God showed me that I am His Daughter and that He separated me for a reason. I didn’t belong to my parents or my family. I am His Daughter. That revelation saved my soul at a very young age. But the revelation also pushed me further away from my mom and my family.
As I stated, at a very young age God took over my heart. He was my pillow, support and refuge in the midst of every storm endured. My mom was a Christian but later decided to become a muslim after meeting my sister’s father. My mom came home one day and told me that I could no longer worship Christ and that I too had to become a muslim. This shook me to my core. I knew this was the enemy at play and I refused. This further separated me from my mom. She went through great lengths to try to separate me from Christ. I was baptized as a baby but upon graduating college, I gave my life to Christ again. As a 21-year-old adult woman, I wanted his guidance and support as I started my life. As a final tactic to get me to turn my back on God, my mom said she would not attend my baptism. I still chose Christ and moved forward with my baptism.
I shared my family experiences in my counseling program and my professors shared with me that I am a miracle. Statistically speaking, no matter the trauma endured, most kids end up like their family, desperately doing anything to fit in to feel loved.
It is only by the strength of Christ, His guidance and His divine providence that I am where I am today. Without knowing that I am His Daughter, I would not have made it. That’s where my business name came from. When I couldn’t figure out whose I was because of constant rejection, God showed me that I am His and His alone.
Each and every one of us are His Daughter and Son. We belong to Christ. The gift of life is His and only His to give. It is by His spirit that healing is facilitated in my sessions. My clients are amazed by our sessions and attribute the greatness to me. NOPE. It’s all God. They receive such eye-opening awareness because God is at the wheel. I’m flesh. God afforded me the best training to reach others. But none of that matters without His Spirit. God counsels our heart daily if we allow Him to do so. I am here for a reason. God wants His people and families to heal. Therefore, His Daughter Counseling The Heart, PLLC was born. And for that, I am most grateful!
Thanks for your blog, nice to read. Do not stop.